Thursday, 1 December 2011


I would like to film my experience of going to see professor green on saturday night, but i am not going to film whilst there, i'm going to do the bit before. The getting ready, answering the door to my friends and having a few drinks, then setting off and the car journey. The film will end when we get out of the car. I would like to film answering the door to each of my friends and cut the bits so it goes straight to each one. I don't want any sound on the actual video and i will put a professor green instrumental on it, leaving out one point where i want a bit of sound from us in it. I hope to film parts of the journey, us in the car listening to Pro Green and once we arrive i would like to film the long que, all the way along it as we go past in the car then slowly move up to the 53 degree's logo. I have it all planned out and pictured in my head i just hope i can get as close to it as possible.
The audio i am going to use will be the 'Pro Green ft. Maverick Sabre - Jungle' instrumental..
I think this gives a good vibe and will link in well with the video especially as this is the artist i will be seeing.

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