Here is my finished short film, i shot on 3rd December before going to see Professor Green at 53 degree's. It was shot on a borrowed JVC HD video camera but i did not know exactly how to use this. I will know for the future if i have to do something like this again and borrow a video camera i need to be given a short lesson on how to use it to get the best result. I made the video purposly shakey and wobbly as that is how i would see a party inspired film, seeing as everyone would be having a good time. The editing was done on Windows Movie Maker at home on my laptop because the format of my clips was not compatable with a Mac, for this reason i was unable to use iMovie. I am happy with this video as i got near enough everything in that i had orginally wanted/planned. I understand i have a few downfalls in this final piece such as a part in the middle where the video freezes, i do not know what happened here and was unable to correct it. The beginning of the video is terrible and i think that is because i got the 'trim' tool mixed up and did something wrong with that. The whole video isnt in as good quality as i think the camera can give and that was down to my little knowledge of the equiptment. If i was to do this again i would like to get a lot more people involved and spend more time shooting it, also have someone show me what the movie editing software can do and how to correctly use a video camera.
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